Phoebe Clay | Co-Director

Phoebe is co-director of Unchecked UK. Before joining the team, she was Deputy Director of the Institute for Public Policy Research, the UK’s leading progressive think tank. In addition to her work as a communicator, researcher, policy expert and campaigner, she has worked in philanthropy and academia.

Emma Rose | Co-Director & Co-founder (Maternity leave)

Emma is co-director and co-founder of Unchecked UK. She has led campaigns and policy work for several NGOs, including the Sustainable Food Trust, Sustain and the Soil Association. She is former head of the Alliance to Save our Antibiotics, a Europe-wide coalition of public health, medical, and farming organisations.

Jon Cracknell | Chair

Jon is the director of The Hour Is Late, a consultancy advising philanthropic foundations on grant-making strategy.  He is Trust Secretary of The Ecology Trust and has been heavily involved in the Environmental Funders Network and similar networks outside the UK.

Carum Basra | Deputy Director for Engagement

Carum is Deputy Director for Engagement at Unchecked UK. He is an advocacy and communications professional with a background in policy, engagement, and strategic communication. Prior to joining Unchecked UK, Carum was a Director at Purpose Union, worked on a number of campaigns focussing on driving up standards in business including the Better Business Act, and helped to establish the Institute of Directors’ Centre for Corporate Governance.


Max Roche | Research and Communications Officer

Max is Research and Communications Officer at Unchecked UK. Prior to joining the team, Max worked for nfpResearch leading on their parliamentary research and worked on various freelance projects with The Centre for Democracy and The Public Interest News Foundation. Max currently also works for the Democracy Network.