“My friend Mark and I were meeting, as we often do, for a Friday night beer when the subject of potholes came up. Mark is a car and scooter user and I’m a cyclist.

We talked about how potholes were a real issue in Bath and how road users are so used to them that avoiding them has become a part of every journey.

This led us to researching BANES council’s budget for tackling the pothole crisis. We realised that there was indeed a substantial amount allocated towards the problem – the council was obviously not using the funding to fix potholes.

We decided to highlight this problem in a light-hearted and non-aggressive way.

After purchasing compost and pansies we drove around Bath looking for suitable potholes. We were conscious not to choose a pothole on a blind corner or positioned in a way to be immediately distracting.

After choosing and filling three potholes we photographed our ‘work’ and posted the images on Facebook. Our campaign was picked up by local and national press and ended up with several TV news interviews.

We continued with our campaign and BANES council reacted by upping their game and fixing the potholes of Bath.”